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5 Hindrances to Airflow in Your Home in Surprise, AZ

HVAC Tips & Tricks

Poor airflow can make your home in Surprise, AZ, much more uncomfortable. When there’s restricted airflow, you’ll notice hot and cold spots in your house as well as higher monthly energy bills. Here are five common causes of restricted airflow in your home:

Clogged Filters

Air filters are designed to trap and prevent dust, pollen, dirt and pet dander from circulating in your home. When debris and other dirt particles clog your air filter over time, they cause poor airflow. Fortunately, you can prevent this by cleaning your air filters or changing them at least every three months.

Wear and Tear

Every air conditioner experiences wear and tear, but you’ll really start to notice the effects of father time after the system ages over a decade. You might have to replace or repair your AC system to improve airflow. It’s wise to hire a professional to access the severity of the airflow issue and advise accordingly.

Blocked Registers or Vents

Blocked registers or vents are a common cause of restricted airflow in most homes; although, this issue is easy to remedy. If you notice any signs of poor airflow in your home, check whether the registers and vents are fully opened. Also, avoid placing furniture and other objects in front of registers to avoid blocking them.

Wrong Size of Ductwork

Air circulates in your home through the ductwork by using the correct static pressure. In oversized ductwork, air pressure drops, and air fails to reach its intended destination. Undersized ductwork restricts airflow so that not enough air will reach your rooms.

Refrigerant Levels

Refrigerant leaks reduce the performance of your air conditioning unit. Consequently, a poorly performing AC system causes poor airflow. It’s a common issue with older systems, especially if you don’t maintain them often.

You can improve your home’s airflow by having a professional remedy the aforementioned hindrances. Proper air conditioning maintenance is also vital in improving airflow in your home. Contact our team at REEis Air Conditioning for a performance evaluation and other HVAC services.

Image provided by iStock

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