Same day service
Always a live person to answer your call
Reeis trust guarantee
All technicians certified

Skilled HVAC contractors
More custom home builders and clients trust REEIS as their HVAC trade partner than other HVAC contractor in Arizona.
When you partner with the REEIS, you'll have a dedicated ally committed to designing and installing an HVAC system to meet your needs.
This means:
- Mechanical Engineering: REEIS offers full design & plan development services
- Trust & Quality: REEIS delivers our homebuilder and new construction clients the best quality & service on the market.
- Options: Whether your project requires conventional systems, VRF(V) or full scale commercial applications. REEIS is experienced and capable.
- No Project Too Large: REEIS is trusted on some of the most noteworthy builds in Arizona. Our scope of work and expertise go beyond just the heating & cooling systems and include complex applications such as wine systems, garage NO/CO, complex ventilation requirements, home automation integration, etc..
Products REEIS Offers:

What Our Customers Say About Us