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How to Keep Your Newborn Baby Comfortable at Home

HVAC Tips & Tricks

Extreme temperatures can be brutal for adults. Infants who cannot speak up when they’re too hot or too cold are especially susceptible to the effects of extreme temperatures.
As a parent, you do everything you can to keep your baby healthy, and that includes keeping them warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Use these three tips to help ensure your newborn baby stays comfortable in your Tempe, Arizona, home:

Swaddle Your Baby

Loose blankets in the crib aren’t recommended for infants younger than 12 months. That’s because they increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Keep your baby warm with cozy pajamas while they’re in the crib. Use a sleep sack or swaddle your child snugly in a blanket for extra warmth, especially on the chilliest nights of the year.

Set a Comfortable Temperature

Make sure the temperature in the nursery is comfortable and set it a few degrees higher in the winter and lower in the summer. Ductless systems allow you to zone different areas in your home to help you achieve personalized climate control in every room.

If you have a programmable or smart thermostat, you can set it to automatically adjust the temperature based on whether your baby is awake or sleeping. Keep the temperature between 68 and 72 degrees. A higher temperature is also a risk factor for SIDS.

Use a Humidifier

You might think you need a humidifier only if your baby feels congested, but that’s not the case. A humidifier can help your baby sleep better all the time, sickness or not. The air in Arizona is dry. Your home’s air can become even drier since the heat from the furnace removes moisture from it. As a result, skin becomes itchy and develops dry patches.

Keeping your newborn baby comfortable is vital. Contact REEis Air Conditioning to learn more about how to enhance home comfort for both you and your bundle of joy.

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