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Invest in a Smart Thermostat to Increase Comfort and Energy Savings

HVAC Tips & Tricks

A smart thermostat is like a regular thermostat only smarter. What makes it so smart? It tracks your energy habits, controls your home’s temperature without you being there and saves you money on your energy bill in Tempe, AZ, by making the necessary adjustments at the right time. Want to learn how it does all this? You’ve come to the right place.

It Saves You Money

What makes a smart thermostat so beneficial is how easy it is to schedule your cooling system to run when you want. Are you gone all day? Schedule it to run less. Are you home more often? Schedule it to run while you’re inside. Having it run based on your schedule will keep your home the right temperature without costing you an arm and a leg.

You Can Control It From Anywhere

With a regular thermostat, you can only control it when you’re in the same room. With a smart thermostat, you can control it wherever you are. All you have to do is install an app on your phone and set the temperature remotely. The thermostat will even send you alerts and keep you informed of any temperature changes in your home.

It Monitors Your Energy Usage

When you know how much energy you’re using, you can make the necessary changes. A smart thermostat tracks your home’s energy usage, creating a profile that keeps you informed of how it changes month to month. Having this profile will make it easy to adjust your overall energy settings, saving you even more money over time.

A smart thermostat is easy to install and can help you get a handle on your power bill. Not only will it save you money, but it’ll also give you more freedom when it comes to heating and cooling your home during the day and night. Contact REEis Air Conditioning to learn more about smart thermostats and how we can get you started on the path to a smarter home.

Image provided by Thinkstock

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